Become a part of our family by becoming season subscription member!
Our memberships come in the form of flex passes providing total flexibility, discounts, merch and reserved seating!
You decide when you want to come and leave the rest to us!

flex pass
Your TWTC Individual Flex Pass gets you a total of
(3) Discounted GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS for 12 months. They can be used individually for each production or combined for a single show if you want to bring a guest(s).
Your TWTC Individual Flex Pass Membership ALSO gets you:
1 Official TWTC Custom Designed T-Shirt ($25 Value)
Official Show Poster (per ticket redeemed)
No Ticket Exchange Fee
General Admission Seating
AND as lagniappe, you'll will also receive an exclusive Members Only TWTC Playgoer's Card to help you keep track of which Tennessee Williams plays you've seen.
premier flex pass
Your TWTC Premier Flex Pass gets you a total of
(6) Discounted RESERVED SEATING TICKETS for 12 months.
They can be used for you plus a guest for each production or combined for a single show for you and your guests.
Your TWTC Premier Flex Pass Membership ALSO gets you:
1 Official TWTC Custom Designed T-Shirt ($25 Value)
Official Show Poster (per ticket redeemed)
No Ticket Exchange Fee
Reserved Member Seating
AND as lagniappe, you'll will also receive an exclusive Members Only TWTC Playgoer's Card to help you keep track of which Tennessee Williams plays you've seen.